Year 9 Fastcoach Program

Core Program

Our Year 9 Fastcoach Program covers the key subject areas of English (including Essay & Genre Writing), Maths and Science*.

Our term courses are scheduled in line with public school term dates. There are 4 terms per year and usually 10 lessons per term, with one lesson each week. You can commence our courses at any time, however a new term starts in late January, April, July and October.

Our courses enable students to:

  • Improve English skills such as comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, genre and essay writing by using imaginative, interpretive and critical thinking to analyse and compose a variety of texts
  • Cover a variety of stimulating and challenging mathematics questions to systematically introduce and reinforce key concepts, and develop logical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Develop knowledge of science concepts and the scientific method through theoretical and practical learning and experimentation.

Program schedules are designed to allow maximum flexibility for students.

*Please note Science is not offered in the Year 9 and Year 10 Fastcoach Programs for students in Victoria.

Course Structure
  • English (including Essay & Genre Writing), Maths and Science*
  • 4 terms in a year, 10 weeks in a term
  • 4 hour lessons per week, during term
  • Students attend lessons at their allocated time schedule
  • Small class group based
  • Experienced educators

*Please note Science is not offered in the Year 9 and Year 10 Fastcoach Programs for students in Victoria.

Course Outline


Term 1
Week 1 — Factual Writing
Week 2 — Fictional Writing
Week 3 — Reading for Character
Week 4 — Reading for Narrative
Week 5 — Reading for Theme
Week 6 — Thinking About Style and Theme
Week 7 — Reading Poetry
Week 8 — Revision and Examination Skills
Week 9 — Paragraphing, Topic Sentences Using Evidence
Week 10 — Playing With Language

Term 2
Week 1 — Understanding Fictional Writing
Week 2 — Understanding Factual Writing
Week 3 — Essay Writing I
Week 4 — Essay Writing II: Putting Pen to Paper
Week 5 — Creative Writing I: Finding Ideas
Week 6 — Creative Writing II: Imaginative Recreation
Week 7 — Genre Writing: Poetry
Week 8 — Developing Writing Skills
Week 9 — Writing Poetry Appreciation
Week 10 — Atmospheric Writing

Term 3
Week 1 — Understanding Literature
Week 2 — Comprehending Texts
Week 3 — Review of Essay Writing and Reading Irony
Week 4 — Comparing and Contrasting Texts
Week 5 — Analysis and Evaluation
Week 6 — Successful Creative Writing
Week 7 — Genre Writing: Drama
Week 8 — Examination: Responding to Literature
Week 9 — Speech and Personal Writing
Week 10 — Reading Figurative Language

Term 4
Week 1 — Analysing Essay
Week 2 — Close Reading of Texts: Imaginative Re-creation
Week 3 — Analysis: Poetry, Drama, Prose
Week 4 — Tone and Personality in Poetry and Prose
Week 5 — Imagery in Poetry and Prose
Week 6 — Sound in Poetry and Prose
Week 7 — Elements of Style: Putting it all together
Week 8 — Examination
Week 9 — Irony in Prose and Poetry
Week 10 — Rhetoric in Opinion Writing

Year 9 MATHS

Term 1
Week 1 — Indices I
Week 2 — Indices II
Week 3 — Surds I
Week 4 — Surds II
Week 5 — Coordinate Geometry I
Week 6 — Coordinate Geometry II
Week 7 — Linear Equation I
Week 8 — Revision & Test
Week 9 — Linear Equation II
Week 10 — Bivariate Data: Scatter Diagram and Linear Regression

Term 2
Week 1 — Organising and Displaying Data I
Week 2 — Organising and Displaying Data II
Week 3 — Organising and Displaying Data III
Week 4 — Factorisation of Quadratic Polynomial
Week 5 — Quadratic Equation I
Week 6 — Quadratic Equation II
Week 7 — Simplification of Rational Expression
Week 8 — Revision and Test
Week 9 — Congruent Triangles
Week 10 — Similar Triangles and Scale Factors

Term 3
Week 1 — Properties of Geometric Figures
Week 2 — Deductive Proofs involving Quadrilaterals
Week 3 — Trigonometric Ratios I
Week 4 — Trigonometric Ratios II
Week 5 — Trigonometric Ratios III
Week 6 — Practical Problems in Trigonometry I
Week 7 — Practical Problems in Trigonometry II
Week 8 — Revision &Test
Week 9 — Similar Figures
Week 10 — Consumer Arithmetic: Wages, Salary and Taxation

Term 4
Week 1 — Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Week 2 — Probability of Two Events I
Week 3 — Probability of Two Events II
Week 4 — Mensuration I
Week 5 — Mensuration II
Week 6 — Common Logarithms I
Week 7 — Common Logarithms II
Week 8 — Revision & Test
Week 9 — Non-linear relationships – Parabola, Hyperbola and Exponential
Week 10 — Proportion and Variation


Term 1
Week 1 — The Wave Model
Week 2 — Light Energy
Week 3 — Sound
Week 4 — Seeing and Hearing: The Human Eyes and Ears
Week 5 — Electrical Energy and Circuits
Week 6 — Circuit Calculations and Household Electricity
Week 7 — Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation
Week 8 — Revision Test
Week 9 — Medical Applications of Electromagnetic Radiation
Week 10 — Communicating With Electromagnetic Waves

Term 2
Week 1 — Coordinated Function of Body Systems
Week 2 — Nervous System
Week 3 — Endocrine System
Week 4 — The Immune System: Responses to Disease
Week 5 — Relationships and Energy Flow in Ecosystems
Week 6 — Population Size and Impacts of Change in Ecosystems
Week 7 — Plate Tectonics
Week 8 — Revision Test
Week 9 — Geological Activity at Plate Boundaries
Week 10 — Earthquakes and Tsunamis

Term 3
Week 1 — The Australian Continent
Week 2 — Atomic Theory
Week 3 — Isotopes and Radioactivity
Week 4 — Writing Chemical Formulas
Week 5 — Reactions and Chemical Equations
Week 6 — Reactions of Acids
Week 7 — Combustion Reactions and Pollution
Week 8 — Revision Test
Week 9 — Skills and Data Processing Test
Week 10 — Photosynthesis and Respiration

Term 4
Week 1 — The Scientific Method
Week 2 — Organising Information
Week 3 — Identifying Relationships and Making Generalisations
Week 4 — Relating Variables
Week 5 — Drawing Scientific Diagrams
Week 6 — Applying Science Skills
Week 7 — Mathematics in Science
Week 8 — Revision Test
Week 9 — Diffusion and Osmosis
Week 10 — Density, Weight and Pressure

*Please note Science is not offered in the Year 9 and Year 10 Fastcoach Programs for students in Victoria.

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